Tuesday 24 June 2008

MP's Allowances

All the fuss over MP's allowances and whether they should or should not be public leaves me mildly amused. In contrast to their own obsession with privacy MP's - rightly in my view - demand that allowances for councillors and others be made public. So every year, at about this time, the amount I received in allowances for the previous year will be published. For the record, I have no problem with people knowing what I received, so I am listing it below:

Basic allowance - £7,338.04
Special Responsibility Allowance (for the period that I was council leader) - £12,344.24
Mileage (4,976 miles) £1,990.40
Cycle mileage (76 miles) £15.20
Subsistence: £224.08
Other expenses (mostly train fares to London) £697.40
Broadband £120

Less - meal deduction £72
The Broadband allowance is one I receive for the fact that I provide my own broadband at home, rather than the council putting in a line for me. They save money this way and so do I. The meal deduction is the cost of the lunch provided six times a year at full council meetings, which are the only meetings that last a whole day.

In addition I received £2,499.21 from the Local Government Association as a member of the Regeneration and Transport Board.

As a local authority appointed member of the Police Authority I received further allowances as follows:
Basic allowance: £6,882.34
Mileage: £182.40

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